
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What the.....?

Sometimes things happen that make you just shake your head and wonder what the heck is going on in the world. Today is June 11th. It is snowing outside - right now. Big, fat, stupid snowflakes. I know this shouldn't surprise me. I live in Montana. But it still kind of sucks.
Another head shaking occurrence. The universe has revealed to me in the past little while that I am, in fact, old. First, I had my birthday and turned 22. For the 6th time. Then, as I was flipping through the stations on the radio, I happened upon a delightful ditty called "Doctor, doctor" sung by the Thompson Twins. Maybe you've heard the song? (just as an aside, the Thompson Twins were neither related, nor were they a duo). Imagine my horror when the song ended and I realized I was listening to the OLDIES station!!! How can this be? The final confirmation that I am old came in the form of my 8-year old. He brought me a movie to ask if he could watch it and I told him "Yes, of course you may watch that video in the toy room." To this, Trevin replies "But the DVD player in the toy room doesn't work" I let him know in a kind, motherly fashion that he needed to put it in the VCR (all of our machines are dual dvd/vcr combos). A confused look washed over Trevin's face as he inquired of me "What's a VCR"? ......WHAT"S A VCR? Where has the time gone? Does it ever feel like this to anyone else? I think having 8 kids by the time I was 27 may have also contributed to the overall feeling of "oldness". So many weird things happening. Snow in June, Thompson Twins on the oldies station, repeatedly turning 22. After our next election, apocalyptic visions of the end are sure to come.


angie said...

Kendra I feel your pain!! Just kidding! To be perfectly honest, it's usually the opposite for me! Most of the time I still feel like I'm 20 instead of 30!! I like to play jokes and still kid around a lot, but I think that has a lot to do with the man I'm married to! I can totally relate to the oldies station though!! Hey, I think they're hip! I LOVE listening to the radio in the car or on the computer, and all of a sudden you hear this song that WHOOSH takes you back to middle school or high school!! I LOVE memories coming back to me like that!! We also have DVD/VCR players in our home!! Only because when we were first married, there were only VHS tapes! I should just probably get rid of them, but I hang on to them for who knows why? I can't believe it's snowing where you are! That's depressing! It's been like spring weather here, not too cold and not too hot, but WAY too windy!! Anyway I'll spare you anymore weather talk! Love ya lots, more later!!

The Baker Family - a red thread said...

I know what you are saying- some days I still feel 16, and I can't believe how fast time flies. We also have about a billion VHS tapes. We got a VCR/DVD player that will burn your VHS tapes onto DVD's, but we have yet to do that to any of our tapes. Lame.

Jessika and Josh said...

Yeah, you old fart!

lol. Just Kidding. I was talking to my friend the other day saying "Man! I don't want to turn 21! That just means I am offically an adult and getting older! NOO.." I know you are saying, "But you are only turning 21!" But is that where it stops? Oh no! It does not!