They don't want Trevin to move away!
Yesterday was the last day of school for the kids. I tried, mostly unsuccessfully, not to cry and embarrass the kids. I always cry at the end of the school year - I get so attached to the kids' teachers and I hate goodbyes. This year was particularly hard because the kids won't be back next year, so we had to say goodbye not only to the teachers, but to principals, secretaries, lunch ladies, librarians. With 6 kids in school, I have practically lived at the school for the past 4 years, and I have gotten to know the entire staff really well. We will miss everybody from Belgrade schools! On a more upbeat note: Kaydin, Rylynn and Trevin all had straight A's (or, in Trevin and Rylynn's case, the elementary school equivalent of an A) all 4 quarters. Good job, guys! Here are some pictures I took yesterday. I realize they are just Trevin and Rylynn. Tristan's class was at the park, and I didn't make it over to the intermediate school to get pictures of Maryn and Kaydin with their teachers. Just in case my kids see this and cry favoritism, I thought I should clarify.
Hey Kendra, where do you guys live? Our school doesn't get out until this next Friday on the 13th! Did I understand correctly that you guys are moving? Where are you moving to? I totally understand about getting attached to teachers and to the kids' school, etc; We're lucky that we are not moving anywhere though! We are very comfortable and happy here in little podunk Othello, WA! Good luck when you guys move! We are experts in moving!! We moved A LOT when Tim and I were first married, that's why we're not moving ANYWHERE for a very long time!! Later suzy Q!!
Very excited you are blogging! Love your posts! Your kids are adorable. I don't know how you do it with so many kids! You amaze me! So you have a 13 month old....? I do to. Little miss sensitive! Is he yours or adopted? I can't keep up with you! Where are you moving to?
Blubber, Blubber..Somebody call the Wambulance and French Cries!
I like that pic of the girls pulling on Trevin! lol
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