
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Top scientist or Mad cow??????

This week is the Gallatin County Fair (yeah! what fun!). I looked through the newspaper insert last night to find out about all the fun goings on at the fair and saw that the Red Cross would be there, having a blood drive. In a burst of civic-mindedness, I decided I would go and give blood while at the fair. I have never given blood before - every time I have had an opportunity to, I have been pregnant of nursing (except for our senior-year blood drive, which was the day before we cheerleaders left for our competition, so they wouldn't let us give blood because we weren't allowed to participate in "strenuous" activity for at least 24 hours following our blood donation, or some such nonsense). I decided to check online to make sure that there would be no restrictions which would hinder my ability to give blood this time! And guess what I discovered? I can't give blood -ever. Never ever. Know why? Because I lived in England for 4 years, and during the time I lived there, they had an outbreak of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy - also known as MAD COW DISEASE! So anyone who could have potentially been exposed to this can't ever give blood. That's stupid. I don't have mad cow ( I didn't say I'm not a mad cow). Which brings me to this:

See more funny videos at Funny or Die


Jessika and Josh said...

"Hey! What about this? If you had a chose between being the top scientist in your field or getting Mad Cow disease what would you choose?" matter how many times I watch that, it is still funny!

The Baker Family - a red thread said...

All I have to do is say the words "mad cow" to Kaydin or Trevin and they crack up.

angie said...

OHHHHH...I love that clip on SNL!! It's a favorite in my family among my siblings!! Do you remember Chris, my younger brother your age? He can impersonate Hary Cary perfectly! He even did a skit once, he had a wig, the glasses, everything!! It was hilarious! That is CRAZY about you not being able to give blood! Stupid too! I gave blood only once, and that was my senior year blood drive! I HATE needles and it was a traumatic experience for me! My friends had to hold my hand the whole time! I'd give birth anyday, but the worst part for me is the IV you have to get when you first get there! Isn't that crazy? Love ya, angie

Hutchinson said... are so funny! I love it. What a crazy story about you and Mad Cow. Would the people at the blood drive even know that?

Hutchinson said...

OH, by the way I did leave a comment on your memory post!!! Sorry a little slow to get it there.

jsmbbaker said...

That's hilarious... although I wonder- if Jeff laughing cause he's supposed to or because Will Ferrel is HILARIOUS!? And yes, I do remember that day in Billings, and it was a good time! Thanks for coming to watch on Saturday- it was so nice to have the support of all of you guys! We had so much fun doing it!

The Baker Family - a red thread said...

yeah, you guys did good. Was that first song you guys sang an original? Yes, as for the SNL clip, I think at one point Will Ferrell strays from the script and is Jeff Goldblum seems a little confused, but also trying not to laugh. Hilarious. I have the SNL Best of Will Ferrell and I laugh every time I watch it.

Erika and Kevin said...

In High School I thought I would be brave and give blood, I don't know what happened, If the girl was a little new to the whole procedure or what, but the needle went right through my vein, bursting it and I had a bruise that covered my entire arm for a couple weeks, It was pretty traumatic for me, I haven't been back since, but I should be brave and go try it again! That clip is hilarious! I had never seen it before, but it made me laugh!

Jessika and Josh said...

"Your blog is boring!" "Update your blog!" Who am I? Who am I?

Tiffany said...

Hey Kendra, I am finally getting caught up with everyone during our crazy summer. First of all, I miss your sense of humor, you seriously crack me up. I too missed your memory post.
I have a lot of singing memories with you (of course) I always loved to hear you sing. We always listened to Mariah Carey and I truly thought you sounded just as good or better than her. So the fact that you are not a famous singer right now blows my mind. Really, does your family know this about you?
I also have a memory of a slumber party at your house, I remember a lot of ice cream and watching a movie with oh crap what is his name.........ughhhhh I can't remember but you were IN LOVE with him Christian....something maybe. Something was wrong with him kind of a hermit and he met a girl in a cafe whose name I also can't remember right now. If you think of it please tell me, it is going to kill me.
Anyways so sorry about the book, I had a lot of fun with you in High School. You were the mysterious city girl from!

D, J, Dre and W.D. said...

Hey, so, here are the directions to the church.
Head North on Main Street in Logan until you get to 1400 North. Turn East on 1400. Go straight until you get to 400 East. Turn North on 400 East. The church will be on the right hand side of the road about 1/2 of a block in. Call me if you get lost. I will have my phone on me. You might want to be there at 12:00 noon. I am hoping to bless him at 12:15. Anyway, thanks for coming up! I can't wait to see you and your fam.
Love ya. Jen