
Monday, July 14, 2008

Nothing new to report- Kaydin

Well, Joseph and kids have departed and I am now alone again (sad music playing in background). However, this time I am not falling apart quite so much, because we have come to the decision that I will be moving down at the beginning of next month, house sold or not. We just can't live like this. Joseph needs a wife, the kids need a mom and I need to be "anxiously engaged in a good cause". That good cause, of course, being to terrify my kids into behaving themselves. The visit was a good one, although the kids were bored with nothing in the house. We celebrated Kaydin's birthday. I went to snap pictures of him blowing out his candles only to discover my camera batteries had died. Ahhhhh! So, no pics of Kaydin's big 10! Here are some thoughts about my birthday boy though:
Kaydin was an amazing baby - never cried, always very content
Kadyin is an even more amazing kid. I would take him out of school every day if I could, just to hang out with him. He is the coolest kid!
He is such a bookworm! He will sit and read ALL DAY!
He is soooo smart! He remembers everything and had straight A's all 4 quarters this last school year.
Kaydin is a perfectionist who gets very frustrated when he can't do something right the first time! He keeps trying, though.
I love Kaydin more than I can possibly describe. He makes me smile all the time and I am so proud of the person he is turning out to be. I love you Kaydin!!!!


angie said...

Hey Kendra, I can't imagine being away from my kids for more than a day or two! Okay, maybe I've fantasized about it a few times, but I haven't done it! Just kidding, wait maybe I'm not kidding! I'm SO glad that you'll be able to be with your family again soon as you want!! You are a very strong person and I admire you! Love ya, angie

Jessika and Josh said...

I can't wait till you come down!