
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

This should be fun!

I got this from my friend Lindsay, and I had so much fun leaving my comment on her blog, I though it would be fun to do it on mine. Also, I have no family here to take pictures of and blog about, so instead I get to put this kind of mindless (but fun) filler on my blog. I really need some comments on this - you know, to keep my morale up, so I want to her from all or you! Her directions were to pass it along!
Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! I guess good or bad, but be nice!!!!!!!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I will comment on my page about you!


jsmbbaker said...

Hmm... well let me think... probably one of the most memorable times together is when we had the unforgettable "Brensyn hunt," but the most fun we have had probably includes singing, you know karaoke with Loyal is hard to top!

Jessika and Josh said...

I know a good one! Remember the time we road triped it to Omaha for 17 hours on absolutely no sleep?? Yeah, that time! lol. That was amazing fun! Remember jamming out to Adam Sandler's crappy car song? Then talking about "Smurfing" and laughing so hard you had to pull off the highway so I could vomit? Oh yes! Those were the good old times! haha..

The Baker Family - a red thread said...

Oh, and remember when we stopped in that crappy town in Wyoming and they had NO self checkouts in the Albertson's? And stopping at Mt. Rushmore on the way home - don't forget that! And also when we saw about 50 cop cars in about 20 minutes on the highway. They were everywhere!

Amanda said...

remember that time when i never commented your blogs! oh yeah those were good times! And when we totally made out! that was fun! :P... theres my tongue for ya ;)

The Baker Family - a red thread said...

amanda, that is lame. You never used your tongue. Now post a real memory on here before I jump into the bathtub with my toaster.

Amanda said...

oh fine.. lameo.... ummmmm.....ummmmmm....ummmmmmmmmmmmm.....ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....
oh I got one...
so that time when me u and nik where cleaning at burger king, it was when your boobbies turned to little bumps, and you were talking about getting a lift and you pulled up your shirt to show us how 'empty' your bra was... lol that was a good time... :)

Hutchinson said...

Oh how funny! Well I remember a lot of memories from our freshman year and from cheerleading. I remember when you moved to Lyman and you had the cutest haircut. We would stay up late listening to music. I remember you would ride with us to school every morning and you had to wait forever for us. Also our dog loved your mom, we should've given the poor thing to her.

Erika and Kevin said...

I remember when my brother married you... i was like sweeeeet..... and then my frist trip up to Montana we stayed with you guys, and I remember when I watch all the grandkids, like I think it was 6 babies total, while I was up there at your house and by the time you guys got home I was in tears hahaha ohh yea those where good times! They really where.. I am not being sarcastic! No but seriously I LOVED coming up to Montana to visit you guys! I always had to much fun up there! You guys are such a fun couple! I hope we can do more and make more memorable memories!

The Baker Family - a red thread said...

Thanks for that fun memory Erika> I remember that as well, and I felt really bad about you being stuck with all those kids. Amanda, you are just weird. I think I am going to start collecting change for my boob job fund. So far, I have 72 cents. Maybe I can have them do one boob at a time.