
Wednesday, January 7, 2009


It has been really hard for me to wrap my brain around the fact the it's 2009. How can this be? I can still remember 1999 like it was yesterday. It is just unbelievable to me how fast time goes. And it is only going to get faster. In the interest of not wasting any more time, I have made some resolutions for this year. One is staying on top of keeping this blog updated. It is a great way to keep a history of our family and is like journaling. Also, if I tell myself that, then I don't have to make another resolution to keep a journal this year, which I have failed at every other year! I need to take more pictures and we need to have an updated family picture taken. Yeah, it's been a while. I resolve to have Nikki married by the end of the year - hahaha how do you like that one, my BFFF? (that's not a typo, that exra F is there on purpose). Ok, but seriously, there is the potential for there to be 3 weddings this year. That, in addition to my dreaded pending birthday (30 freaking years old), have forced me to add to my list of resolutions. So I also resolve to get my face botoxed and invest heavily in cosmetic surgery. The goal is to be able to pass for 20 on my 30th. But in reality, I will settle for being 30 years old and having a husband who still thinks I'm a catch and kids who tell me every day that I'm beautiful. Oh, I love this family so much. My real resolution is to be more Christlike. Especially in my parenting. I start to tear up even typing that on a blog. In primary the kids learned a song and one of the lines is "If the Savior stood beside me, would I do the things I do"? I want to be able to say yes to that, particularly in regards to how I deal with my kids. To have more patience, be slower to anger and be the kind of mom that I always imagined I would be before I was set upon by the reality of actually being one. But right now, I resolve to put my insomnia to good use and do some dishes and some exercise.


angie said...

Hey Kendra, happy new year!! I hear ya about time moving fast!! I've been graduated from high school coming on 13 years! What the heck is that all about? Please, like you even need Botox, you're still as beautiful as you were in high school, you stinker! Anyway, yes I have heard that Primary song, and yes I ball like a baby every time I hear it! You should have seen me during the primary program! (EMBARASSING)!! I too wish that I was more slow to anger, and I know this may not help, but another more experienced mom (she has 12 kids) told me that if you made a mistake and blew up that day at one of the kids, feel sorry about it, but don't beat yourself up for it! Move onto the next day and resolve to do better than the day before! This has helped me! Sometimes I'll try to get that song stuck in my head, so I'll be thinking about it during the day! Good luck on your resolutions! Hope all is well! LOL!!

Hutchinson said...

I remember you were always very good at keeping a journal. You even let me read it once. I know, I still feel younger than I am getting. I have the same thoughts and feelings about being a mom. I'm afraid it won't be until my children are raised before I finally feel like a good enough mother. I just know I'll screw them up and have to live with it. Could not do it with out the gospel and prayer.

Jessika and Josh said...

Lol, you resolve that I will be married by the end of the year?? lol, Come on Kendra! Seriously! I say by the end of April!!!! :)

Erika and Kevin said...

I love your resolutions... I say dido! You are truly an amazing mom and wife, and you have some pretty awesome kids! I don't know how you guys do all you do :> I love reading your blogs!

Vyedka said...

I liked this post, super good read! I agree I want to be more christlike towards my kids as well, just be more patient and not nag all the time, I feel like some days all I do is say "don't do that, stop, do you need to go to time out" I should just let my kids be kids and worrying about the little things, you know.